“And it was when the Kohanim left the Kodesh … the Cloud covered the House of Hashem and the Kohanim were unable to stand to serve … then Shlomoh said “G-d said that He would dwell in the thick Cloud” (Melachim 1 [8:10-12]). After Shlomoh had concluded the building of the Beis Hamikdash, he saw in a prophecy that the building would be destroyed, a thick cloud would cover the location where it had stood and the Kohanim will be denied access to it.
He took comfort however, in Hashem’s promise that He would never forsake His people, and that He would be with them in that thick cloud, to watch over them when times were tough. Allegorically speaking, all this is clearly hinted in these Pesukim in Melachim.
A similar hint appears in Parshas Yisro (20:21), where the Torah writes “And Moshe approached the thick Cloud where G-d was”. This too, comes to hint that even in the worst times of trouble, G-d is there, because “Hashem will not forsake His people” – come what may! (adapted from the Ma’ayanah shel Torah, quoting the Lubliner Rav).

SHORT VORT, Rabbi Moshe Kormornick. Published by Adir Press. $9.99 in stores worldwide and online here
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Rabbi Moshe Kormornick is a popular writer whose words are enjoyed by thousands of readers every week.