Why did the Torah choose this particular spot to teach us the vital lesson of the little ‘alef’?
There are a number of good reasons for that. Firstly, this is not only the beginning of the middle Seifer (the third of the five Books and – Chazal have taught us in Megilah – that the middle is important) but it is also the Seifer which contains the bulk of the mitzvos. What is perhaps even more to the point is the fact that it is the Seifer that deals with the Avodas ha’Mishkon, and what could possibly inspire a person to attain humility more than the awe-inspiring experience of standing in G-d’s House and bringing Him a sacrifice? In any event, the essence of the Beis ha’Mikdosh is the fear of G-d, which, as we just explained, is linked to humility.
In addition, the Torah is now about to teach us about Korbonos, one of whose most important functions is to remind us that we have sinned, and that we are offering the soul of an animal to atone for our own, and together with which we are obliged to confess – the essence of humility.

SHORT VORT, Rabbi Moshe Kormornick. Published by Adir Press. $9.99 in stores worldwide and online here
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Rabbi Moshe Kormornick is a popular writer whose words are enjoyed by thousands of readers every week.