Shoftim: Always Wanted[i] In 2013 I heard an interview on National Public Radio with a man named Mike Williams. Mr. Williams was the inventor of the first intraoral ..
Written by Rabbi Aryeh Dachs
“Seven days you will celebrate (the festival of Sukkos)… and (on Simchas Torah) you will be only happy” [1]. The word “only” (ach) indicates an exclusion ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
On Chanukah we commemorate the miracles of defeating the Greeks and the discovery of a single canister of pure undefiled oil in the Temple. But why do we still celebrate ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
Best Friends. Vayishlach 5783 As he was being pursued by his evil brother Eisav, Yaakov sent angels in attempt to save himself [1]. But is this not a little ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
This week's parasha tells us about the passing of Jacob our father, the parasha talks about the obituary they did for Yaakov and his burial in the Cave of the Patriarchs, ..
Written by rocker1234
These days we move from the Chaos of Purim to the Order of Pesach. May the Seder be BeSeder, all ok, all in order.
Written by Avraham Roos
There are many different reasons. But one explanation is that the three matzot represent the Cohen, Levi and Israel. In that case the middle matza is the Levi. The tribe ..
Written by Avraham Roos
The Fast of Tammuz Rabbi Daniel Leeman This year, the 17th of Tammuz falls on this coming Shabbat, and so the fast of the 17th of Tammuz is pushed off to Sunday. ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
Korach: It’s Not So Simple I once read that R’ Aron Leib Shteinman quipped, “When people tell me they are acting not for their own sake but rather ..
Written by Rabbi Aryeh Dachs