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Kedoshim Tihyu: Our Unique Mission

Written by Rabbi Aryeh Dachs

Kedoshim Tihyu: Our Unique Mission


The Torah tells us “Kedoshim tihiyu; be holy!” The Midrash explains that after reading this directive, one may make the mistake of thinking he could be as kadosh, as holy, as the Almighty. Therefore, the verse continues, “Ani Hashem, I am Hashem” clarifying that Hashem’s kedusha is above ours, only He is entirely holy, not us.  What is the meaning of this midrash? Would any rational person make the mistake of believing he could be as holy as Hashem? It feels awkward to write those words on paper now, to believe it would be just bizarre.


Rashi directly links kedusha with boundaries. He writes, “Wherever one finds a barrier against immorality, one finds holiness.” Implementing safeguards that distance ourselves from immorality is the defined way for us to attain kedusha. However, the modality we use remains undefined. This makes sense. Creating a safeguard is by definition subjective. Every person has their unique experiences and background which means their challenges are also unique.   Unique challenges demand unique safeguards.


R’ Shmuel Bornsztain z”l in his work, Shem Mishmuel points out that this is why the directive “be holy” was specifically told to all of Israel. Kedusha is linked to the personal safeguards we create; therefore, everyone can connect to kedusha in their own way. The most derelict alongside the most holy can always do more to enhance their kedusha by distancing themselves further from the immorality they are exposed to.


I recently heard someone use this idea to explain the midrash as well. Creating boundaries is loosely defined. Without clear guidelines, we are prone to believing that this directive is not relevant for us. We can make the mistake of feeling “holy enough” even though we may not be. The Midrash teaches that the Almighty addressed this flawed approach directly. The verse ends, “I am HaShem” implying that “holy enough” is only for G-d.  The takeaway is that our kedusha is not a state we strive to reach but a life’s mission. Complacency is forbidden; we can and must always do more to improve our spiritual observance by continuously developing our lifestyle in a way that distances us from spiritual harm.


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