At a bris, we offer the following bracha to the parents of the baby: “Just like he entered the bris, so too should he enter (the world of) Torah, Chuppa and good ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
The mitzvo of bris mila involves cutting off the orlah (foreskin). The Torah views the orlah as more than merely an unnecessary part of the body, rather it represents ..
Written by Rabbi Yehonasan Gefen
One of the most well-known and observed mitzvos is that of Bris Mila (circumcision). A very high proportion of Jews who are distant from their heritage, nonetheless ..
Written by Rabbi Yehonasan Gefen
B’Eilon Mamre (Perek Yud Ches Pasuk Alef). Rashi explains that Hashem went to visit with Avraham on the 3rd day after his Bris Milah, circumcision. Hashem appeared ..
Written by Reb Mordechai Rosen z
Imagine a child raised by Hashem. What a tzaddik he would be. He would spent his whole life learning Torah and preforming mitzvos. But look at what happened to Yishmael… ..
Written by Daniel Fine
At a bris, we say ‘this katten will become a gadol.'(ze hakatan gadol yihiyeh’. What does that mean? I heard (on a tape by Rabbi Krohn in the name of one of the Rabbi ..
Written by Daniel Fine
“B’Eilon Mamre” (18:1). Rashi explains that Hashem went to visit Avraham on the 3rd day after his Bris Milah, circumcision. Hashem appeared to Avraham ..
Written by Reb Mordechai Rosen z"l
At the beginning Parshas Tazria we are told that a woman who gives birth will be tamei (spiritually impure – for none of a better word). Why is this? One answer ..
Written by Moshe Kormornick
In this weeks Sedra, Moshe is found in a basket by Basya. Miriam who is standing nearby asks Basya if she should go and get a Jewish wet nurse for the baby. Rashi[1] ..
Written by Yaakov Hibbert
Man is commanded to teach his children Torah. It is not enough that he learns Torah, goes out to shul and keeps mitzvos – he must verbally express his love for Hashem ..
Written by Y Kormornick