The greatest gift that a boy reaching Bar Mitzva (or girl reaching Bas Mitzva) receives is Daas – the ability to overcome a natural emotion (the ‘Regesh*’) ..
Regarding the verse “The wise man has his eyes on his head”[1] one can ask an obvious question: is it just the wise man who has eyes on his head, everyone has eyes ..
We make a meal and celebration when a boy reaches thirteen, honouring the fact that he has become of age to be obligated in mitzvos. The question, however, is why are we making ..
We all celebrate bar mitzvahs – the source of which is Rav Yosef’s festive seudah in the gemarra Kiddushin 31a when he found out that he was fully obligated ..
One of the first things a male Jew does in the morning is to put on Tzitzis. Part of the Mitzvah is to recite the brocha Al Mitzvas Tzitzis. However unlike most ..
What is the big party for a barmitzvah boy? Though he has become obligated in mitzvos, he has not done many yet – why do we give him a party at the start of the journey? ..
BRACHOS 2a ‘Why does the Mishnah choose the reading of Sh’ma at night to be the very first halacha to be discussed in Shas?’ Tosafos (Shabbos 2a) notes ..