The mitzvo of bris mila involves cutting off the orlah (foreskin). The Torah views the orlah as more than merely an unnecessary part of the body, rather it represents ..
Written by Rabbi Yehonasan Gefen
One of the most well-known and observed mitzvos is that of Bris Mila (circumcision). A very high proportion of Jews who are distant from their heritage, nonetheless ..
Written by Rabbi Yehonasan Gefen
In a Pidyon Haben, we see that the firstborn received a special kedusha-sanctity. The question is, what did they do to deserve such a special sanctity? The Sefer-“Tuvicha ..
Written by Rabbi Shlomo Price
One early source which seems to indicate the celebration of a shalom zachor is a comment of Rabbeinu Tam which can be found in Tosafos Bava Kamma 80a ‘lebei.’ ..
Written by d fine
No one likes a change, except for a baby. Even when its results promise to be worthwhile and enduring, change can be difficult. Unpleasant. Scary. Painful. It’s ..
Written by Anonymous
The Rishonim and Achronim (from the Sforno and Gra, to Rishonim at the start of Kiddushin) have a general machlokes about the nature of pidyon haben; what exactly ..
Written by d fine
At a bris, we offer the following bracha to the parents of the baby: “Just like he entered the bris, so too should he enter (the world of) Torah, Chuppa and good ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick