In the Torah scroll, the aleph of the word “וַיִּקְרָא” is written smaller than the other letters. Why? Rashi writes that the word “וַיִּקְרָא” connotes ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
Why did the Torah choose this particular spot to teach us the vital lesson of the little ‘alef’? There are a number of good reasons for that. Firstly, this is not only ..
Written by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Elisha ben Avuya was a great Mishnaic master who infamously turned heretic later in his life. After his demise he was simply known as Acher, other one. There is one episode ..
Written by Rabbi Aryeh Dachs
The word “vayikra”, meaning “He (G-d) called him (Moshe)” indicates the special relationship Moshe had with G-d. But when it came to writing the Torah, in his humility, ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
From a linguistic perspective, the removal of even one letter from a word in Lashon Hakodesh will alter the meaning of that word. The first word of this week’s ..
Written by Eli Gaventa
Rashi [quoting the gemarra] raises a contradiction early on in our sedra (1:3). The pasuk tells us ‘if an olah is his sacrifice…he is to offer it up (‘yakriv ..
Written by d fine
Rav Shimshon Refoel Hirsch comments that, as with many Torah words we have translated into other languages, the word korban has fallen prey to a nefarious mistranslation. ..
Written by d fine
In his introduction to Chumash Vayikra, the Ramban writes that this entire Chumash is devoted to the topic of sacrifices (korbanos); all the mitzvos in this Chumash ..
Written by d fine
Olah, Olah, Olah Olah The Chizkuni (1:3) points out that the first korban to be mentioned is the olah. Why is this? He answers that it is simply because the olah ..
Written by d fine
The posuk says(1:2) “Adam Ki Yakriv Mikem Korban L’Hashem”, the pasuk calls a person’s korban “A Korban to Hashem”. The end of the pasuk ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose