אִם עַל תּוֹדָה יַקְרִיבֶנּוּ . . . If he will offer it as a Thanks Offering (7:12) The Medrash tells us that in the times of Moshiach, ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
Why is a Korban Todah accompanied by 40 Challos, all required to be eaten in 1 day and night? Wouldn’t one or two be enough for a family seuda?? Sforno answers, ..
Written by Anonymous
This Weeks Parsha – Tzav explains that there was a daily Mitzvah of Terumas HaDeshen, where the Kohanim took ashes off the Mizbeiach (from the previously burnt ..
Written by Anonymous
We are told in parasha Tzav that the burnt offerring and the sin offerring were to be slaughtered in the same place. The Talmud Yershalmi in Yevamos says this was in order ..
Written by Anonymous
Right at the start of the sedra, HaShem tells Moshe to comand Aharon an his sons about the olah offering. Rashi notes that the word ‘command’ means doing ..
Written by Anonymous
The opening of parshas Tzav deals with the fires that were to be on the mizbeyach (altar). Regarding this subject, the gemarra (braisa, yoma 21b) brings an interesting ..
Written by Anonymous
“Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying: This is the law of the sin-offering: in the place where the burnt-offering is killed shall the sin-offering be killed ..
Written by Anonymous
This week’s parsha (tzav; with one more pasuk than the gematria of its name) ends off with (perek 8) the lengthy instructions as to how exactly to inaugurate ..
Written by d fine
………………..he (priest) shall separate the ash of what the fire consumed of the elevation-offering on the Alter…… (6:3) ..
Written by Anonymous