One of the unkosher birds listed in Parshas Shemini (11:19) is the “Chasida”, the stork. Rashi says that it is called Chasida from the word “Chosid”, pious. ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
The climax of the mishkan process, the final day of its inauguration, tales place in our sedra. During that day, Nadav and Avihu, the two sons of Aharon, bring a ketores ..
Written by d fine
[heard this short vort from my friend Yoni Sagal]. The Torah says that one of the non-kosher birds is the ‘chassidah’ (11;19). Rashi there tells us that ..
Written by Anonymous
We are told in parshas Shemini about the kosher animals and some examples of non kosher animals. However something doesn’t seem right here, we are told about ..
Written by Anonymous
On the 8th day of the inauguration of the Mishkan, Yom Shemini L’Miluim, Aaron and the Bnei Yisroel brought special Korbonos. Although Aaron brought an Egel ..
Written by Anonymous
The sedra is called shemini; meaning ‘the 8th.’ The Maharal points out that the number 7 represents the natural world. There are 7 colours in the spectrum ..
Written by Anonymous
Parshas Shmini; Kashrus – Environmentally Friendly Fuel This week’s parasha is made up of three main parts. Firstly, the end of the inauguration of the mishkan ..
Written by d fine
Kashrut is a difficult commandment to understand. Why is it that we can only eat certain animals, and they have to be slaughtered in a certain way, etc? How can we understand ..
Written by Tal Segal
We can learn deep meanings from everything that is written in the Torah. What can we learn from the criteria that make a fish kosher – ie. fins and scales? ..
Written by Anonymous
. “All that crawls on the stomach (GACHON – Stomach, in Hebrew) …………..(11:42) In Kiddushin 30a., it states that the letter “vav” ..
Written by yehuda katz