And a fire went out from before Hashem and consumed them (10:2) The Gemora explains that Nadav and Avihu deserved to die because they were once walking behind Moshe ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
Shemini: No Shame in Shame The story goes that R’ Yitzchak Blazer, also known as Rav Itzele Peterberger, (1837-1907) was approached by the community of St. Petersburg, ..
Written by Rabbi Aryeh Dachs
Someone once confessed to the Dubna Maggid that he does not feel Hashem’s love at all. In fact, despite performing mitzvos and finding time to learn Torah on a regular ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
The Medrash points out that what the Torah forbids by animals it permits by wild beasts; what it forbids by wild beasts it permits by birds, and what it forbids ..
Written by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Vayikra, 9:1: “And it was on the eighth day, Moshe called to Aaron and his son and the Elders of Israel”. Baal HaTurim, Vayikra, 9:1 “Hashmini karah Moshe (on ..
Written by Rabbi Yehonasan Gefen
When the time came for Aharon’s inauguration service in the Tabernacle, Moshe encouraged him to “approach the altar” [1]. We have been taught that this encouragement ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
On the day of the inauguration of the Mishkan, Moshe tells Aharon, “Approach the Mizbayach (Kerav el hamizbeiach) and make your sin offering and burnt offering ..
Written by Anonymous
As Rashi makes clear (10:20), Moshe admitted that he had erred in a certain law in our sedra. In Rashi’s words ‘he admitted and was not embarrassed to say that ..
Written by d fine
The Meforshim offer many reasons why Nadav and Avihu died a premature death. Daas Zekainim quotes a Midrash: R’ Levi said that Nadav and Avihu never married. ..
Written by Anonymous
Rashi 11:2 tells us that the reward for Aharon’s silence (and that of others) at the deaths of his two sons was that the portion of the Torah regarding kashrus ..
Written by d fine