Min Hatorah to be a chatzitzah in mikva it needs to be that roiv your body is covered AND your’e makpid, that you don’t want this dirt on you. In Gemora ..
Written by Anonymous
“Then shall the Kohen command to take for the person to be cleansed two living clean birds, and cedar-wood and red wool, and hyssop.” Why does the Metzora ..
Written by Anonymous
This shall be the law of the Metsora on the day of his purification: He shall be brought to the Kohen (14:2) The Mishna learns from these words that even if the Metsora is ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
After the Zav counts 7 clean days and immerses himself in spring water, he brings 2 birds for a Korban – 1 for a Chatos and 1 for an Olah. Why does the Zav only ..
Written by Anonymous
The Dubno Maggid says that people often make light of the sin of loshon hora. They may say to themselves “What are mere words? I am not harming anyone by just ..
Written by Anonymous
The 2 sedras of tazria & metzora deal mostly with the spiritual plague of tzara’as – which comes as a result of lashon hara, stinginess, and theft ..
Written by Anonymous
Rashi (14;34) brings a not-so-easy-to-comprehend medrash that says that HaShem guaranteed Bnei Yisrael that they would have to break down their houses (because of tzara’as ..
Written by D Fine
In our sedra we read about the purification process of a metzora (‘leper’); someone who spoke lashon hara [or was stingy or stole; Torah Temimah metzora 143]. ..
Written by D Fine
Ch. 12, v. 3: “Uva’yom hashmini yimol” – At a circumcision we say, “K’sheim shenichnas livris kein yiko’neis ..
Written by Zvi Akiva Fleisher