Our Possuk says “Kedoshim Tihiyu, Ish Imo V’Aviv Tira’u, V’Es Shabsosai Tishmoru” Be holy,fear your mother and your father and safeguard my shabbos!! ..
Written by B Rose
The pasuk in our sedra says (20;8) ‘You shall observe My decrees and perform them – I am HaShem Who sanctifies you.’ What has the last part of the pasuk ..
Written by d fine
Our sedra sees the Torah forbidding the wearing of a garment which has a mixture of wool and linen (19;19). The midrash gives an interesting hint/reason for the root ..
Written by d fine
“And you shall love your neighbour as you love yourself, I am HaShem” There are so many questions we can ask on this line in Parshas Kedoshim but I’d like ..
Written by Moshe Kormornick
Kedoshim; Prisha: The opening 2nd pasuk of this week’s sedra goes a bit like “…you shall be holy (kedoshim) for I, HaShem your God Am Holy.” (19;2). A basic ..
Written by D Fine
Ohr Hachaim says that when one is overcome by impure thoughts and his Yetzer HaRa (Evil impulse) threatens to entice him to sin, there is one powerful preventive ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
At the beginning of this weeks double parsha, Hashem places a serious restraint on Aarons’ access to the innermost and by definition most spiritually intense, ..
Written by Rabbi Andrew Savage
There is a hugely fundamental piece of Ramban at the start of Kedoshim. When the pasuk commands us ‘you shall be holy,’ the Ramban explains that this is referring ..
Written by d fine