They shall be holy to their God, and they shall not desecrate their God’s Name (21:6) This verse commands the Kohanim to be holy; it then commands the Kohanim ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
The Possuk says “ויאמר ה אל-משה, אמר אל-הכהנים בני אהרן” – “And Hashem spoke to Moshe saying: Speak to the Cohanim…” ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
One of the most disheartening episodes that occurred during the 40-years in the desert is recorded in this week’s parsha. A man quarreled with a fellow Jew and left ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
The Netziv (32:43) quite correctly asks why, when our sedra speaks about the festival of Sukkos, does it put the mitzvah of the 4 minim (‘species’) before ..
Written by D Fine
Towards the end of Parshas Emor the Torah commands us to bake the Lechem HaPanim and set them up on the Shulchan, inside the Bais HaMikdash. Reish Lakish says (Minachos ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
The introduction to the perek-long listing of the various festivals tells us that ‘these are the Mo’adim of HaShem which you shall call ‘holy callings…’’ ..
Written by d fine
“If the daughter of a man who is a Kohen will be defiled through having illicit relations, she has disgraced her father and should be burned.” Rashi ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
There is an interesting and important machlokes between Rashi and the Chizkuni in our sedra regarding when the festival that we call ‘Pesach’ starts. The strict ..
Written by d fine
The pasuk says (VaYikra 23:16) “Tispiru Chamishim Yom”; you must count 50 days from the Korban Omer and then celebrate Shavuos. All the Meforshim ask that Matan ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
Rashi (21;25) points out that the commandments of Shabbes and Yom Tov are put next to each other. Says Rashi that this is to teach us that if one is mechalel (‘breaks’) ..
Written by d fine