In the first of this week’s two parshiot, the pasuk states:- “You shall observe my statutes and my laws so that a person may do them and live by them” ..
Written by Amir Ellituv
Acharei Mos: A Dangerous Fiery Observance My brother-in-law recently made an interesting observation. He is in his mid-thirties and had studied in advanced ..
Written by Rabbi Aryeh Dachs
When the Torah says that the Cohen Gadol asked for forgiveness for himself, his family and of the nation as a whole (16:17) why does he not just ask for forgiveness ..
Written by Dovid Manson
“And you shall love your neighbour as you love yourself, I am HaShem” There are so many questions we can ask on this line in Parshas Kedoshim but I’d like ..
Written by Anonymous
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Written by Anonymous
Do not perform the practices of the land of Egypt in which you dwelled, and do not perform the practices of the land of Canaan to which I bring you, and do not follow ..
Written by Rafi Jager
At the beginning of this weeks double parsha, Hashem places a serious restraint on Aarons’ access to the innermost and by definition most spiritually intense, ..
Written by Rabbi Andrew Savage
Parashas Acharei/Kedoshim – Animals, Relationships and Relationships with Animals: Another double header Torah reading this week with Parashas Acharei and Kedoshim. ..
Written by Daniel Sandground
The Torah says in vayikra 18:14 “My ordinances you shall do, and My statutes you shall observe, to walk with them, I am the Lord, Your God.” What does ..
Written by Ben Rose
On my own Rav Pinkus used to borrow a pasuk from our sedra (16:17) to answer an age-old Shabbos question. In the pre-Kiddush shalom Aleichem sing-song, we end off by telling ..
Written by d fine
For on this day (Yom Kippur) He will forgive you, to purify you; that you will be purified from all your sins before God (VaYikra 16:30). Why is the purification ..
Written by Howard Jackson