There are two prohibitions that the Torah gives regarding the structure of the Mizbei’ach. Firstly you cannot raise a sword or knife to it, even to carve its shape. ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
Parshat Yitro describes Yitro hearing of the travels and trials of the Jews, Yitro being moved to convert, coming to Moshe for the conversion, and then leaving Moshe. ..
Written by M Zemmel
The Baal HaTurim says that the pasuk of “Zachor Es Yom HaShabbos” is the seventh pasuk in the Aseres HaDibros. It also starts with the letter Zayin which ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
כה תאמר לבית יעקב ותגיד לבני ישראל…אלא הדברים אשר תדבר לבני ישראל (19:3,6) When one examines Rashi’s ..
Written by Benji Landau
Parashas Yisro Yisro arrived in the Israelite camp after hearing about the events of the splitting of the Red Sea and the Amalekite attack. The news of these miraculous ..
Written by Daniel Sandground
Rav said to R’ Chiya: Through what deeds do women merit Olam haBo?? Through going to the trouble of bringing their children to the Bais Medrash to learn Torah. ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
The Midrash tells us that while in Egypt, the Jewish people clutched onto three aspects of living in an attempt to maintain their identity. They kept their native ..
Written by Rafi Jager