One of the striking features of Parshas Yisro is the juxtaposition of the portion about Yisro’s advice to Moshe Rabbeinu with Matan Torah. Reb Tzadok HaKohen provides ..
Written by Rabbi Yehonasan Gefen
Chazal teach us, “b’kol yom yihiye b’einecha ki’ilu hayom nitna”, every day we should look at the Torah as if it was given today (Rashi, ..
Written by Rabbi Yosef Levinson
In this weeks parsha we are given the 10 commandments. The events in this parsha more than most others is what makes us jews. The 10 commandments are made up of 5 bein ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
This week’s sedra contains the Ten Commandments. Before that monumental event is recorded* we are told of the arrival of Yisro, Moses’ father-in-law ..
Written by Dr Avigdor Bonchek
This weeks parsha sees the Jews coming to Har Sinai about to receive the Torah. The possuk says “vayichan shom yisroel neged hahar” Rashi comments saying ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
You shall have no other gods before me. (SHEMOS 20:3) Once in his early years, Rabbi Yoseph Dov Halevi Soloveitchik, later to become the Rabbi of Brisk and author ..
Written by Shema Yisrael Torah Network
The Torah tells us that the reward for Kibud Av V’Eim is long life. Rav Saadia Gaon explains that sometimes when parents get old and the responsibility of taking ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
In the first line of this weeks Torah portion we understand that Yisro, Moshe’s (non-Jewish) father-in-law ‘heard’ about the splitting of the Yam suf (Reed ..
Written by Moshe Kormornick
There are two prohibitions that the Torah gives regarding the structure of the Mizbei’ach. Firstly you cannot raise a sword or knife to it, even to carve its shape. ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
Parshat Yitro describes Yitro hearing of the travels and trials of the Jews, Yitro being moved to convert, coming to Moshe for the conversion, and then leaving Moshe. ..
Written by M Zemmel