First, to repeat the question: The pasuk says that the Bnei Yisrael brought their donations for the mishkan to Moshe, whereupon the midrash ..
Written by d fine
One of the main goals of the mishkan/mikdash is making HaShem’s Shechinah rest there (hashra’as haShechinah) – and this is exactly what happens at the end of Peudei. ..
Written by D Fine
“The entire assembly of the children of Israel left Moses’ presence” (Sh’mos 35:20). Why does the Torah use its precious words to tell us that ..
Written by Rabbi Dovid Sipper
This week we have a double sedra Vayakhel and Pekudei so that means a very long Torah reading indeed, over two hundred possukim! The sedras continue and conclude ..
Written by Daniel Sandground
The pasuk (36:7) says that after all the donations were made to the Mishkan they had enough (Dayum). At the end of this pasuk it says “V’Hoseir” ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
Every morning, as we rise from our slumber, we say in our prayers, “The beginning of wisdom is the fear of Hashem.” And keeping this in mind, we try to live ..
Written by Rafi Jager
Juxtaposing Shabbos to the Mishkan makes eminent sense to us. Rashi comments, that placing Shabbos first in our parshah, before mentioning the Mishkan, serves notice ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
1)Fire! The Zohar has a novel understanding/reading of the third pasuk in Vayakhel. The pasuk reads (35:3) ‘do not ignite a fire in your dwellings on the day of Shabbos. ..
Written by d fine
We find that the mitzva of Shabbos is highly praised when we keep it. However when we don’t, Hashem says (Yeshaya 1) “Chodsheichem UMoadaichem Sanah ..
Written by Benjamin Rose
Is it just me or do women sometimes feel left out of many Jewish practices? “Why do i have to dance on this side of the mechitsa?” or “why can’t ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose