And Moshe said to the Children of Israel, “See, Hashem has called by name Betzalel, son of Uri, son of Chor, from the Tribe of Yehudah. He imbued him with a Godly ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
Shemos, 35:1-2: “And Moshe gathered all the assembly of the Children of Israel, and he said to them, ‘these are the matters that HaShem commanded, to do them. ..
Written by Rabbi Yehonasan Gefen
The Akeida talks about the human urge to create and what people should do with that urge. He writes that since people weren’t created to do nothing (rather to achieve), ..
Written by Rabbi Shmuel Gluck
“ … these are the things that Hashem commanded to do them” (ibid.). Why, asks the Or ha’Chayim, does the Torah find it necessary to add the words “to ..
Written by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
For six days you shall do work, but the seventh day shall be holy for you, a day of complete rest for Hashem (35:2) The Chofetz Chaim once asked why this verse, ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
For six days, creative work shall be done; and the seventh day shall be holy for you as a Sabbath of Sabbaths to God… (Shemot 35:2) . This verse may be contrasted ..
Written by Howard Jackson
In any good series there is a ‘twist at the end,’ and I suppose this epic three-part series should be no different. Apart from the fact that the topic we are going ..
Written by D Fine
Now that winter is behind us (hopefully!), and we have put our sledges away until next year, we enter the next season – the happy season of spring. This is a season ..
Written by Ari Guttman
The Parsha begins with an introduction on how to build the Mishkan. But before the Torah explains how the Mishkan has to be built, it interjects with a warning about ..
Written by Moshe Kormornick