Parshas Tetzaveh : Our sedra has something unique; it is the only sedra from Moshe’s birth until his death in which his name is not mentioned (apart from Chumash ..
Written by D Fine
Parshas Tetzaveh is the only sedra from Moshe’s birth until his death without Moshe’s name in it [apart from chumash devarim, of course, when Moshe is talking.] ..
Written by D Fine
Right, why is parshas tetzaveh – all about the annointing of the new-found kohannim – unique? Answers please on a stamped address envelope to Blue Peter…we ..
Written by D Fine
Shivas yamim yilb’sham HaKohen tachtav mibanav asher yavo el ohel moed l’shareis baKodesh (29:30) A controversy once broke out when the Rav of a small town in Europe ..
Written by Oizer Alport
the torah in this weeks sedra gives us an important message and advice. The first passuk tells us that the oil for the menorah should be katit which means crushed. ..
Written by Zuki Ben Hur
The Torah states: “And you shall command the Children of Israel that they bring to you pure pressed olive oil for illumination to keep the lamp constantly ..
Written by Ben Rose
Now, if you would, please forgive their sin. If not, You can blot me out from the book that you have written. (Shemos 32:32) Moshe’s name is not mentioned ..
Written by Rabbi Zev Leff
וְאַתָּה תְּצַוֶּה אֶת בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל “And you command the Children of Israel” (27:20) The Medrash Aggadah notes that ..
Written by Moishe Kormornick
And you (Moses) shall speak to all the wise-hearted people whom I (G-d) have invested with a spirit of wisdom (28:3) G-d is commanding Moses to call upon all the wise ..
Written by Yehuda Katz
After having decided that I had nothing intelligent to say about Purim (not that that has stopped me in the past!), I decided that we shall embark on a thrilling ..
Written by D Fine