After having decided that I had nothing intelligent to say about Purim (not that that has stopped me in the past!), I decided that we shall embark on a thrilling ..
Written by D Fine
The “Frank Sinatra” mitzvah is the one that you say, “I’ll do it my way”. It is of the utmost importance for every person to follow ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
All the Mishkan keilim and structural stuff is all mentioned in parshas Terumah. With 2 exceptions. The kiyor (sink/washing basin) is only mentioned in Ki Sissa, ..
Written by D Fine
There are three main ideas that seem to be present on the macro level in Parshat Tetzaveh – the clothes of the Kohen Gadol, the korbonos (sacrifices), and the fact ..
Written by Jeremy
Every Kohen (priest) who served in the temple wore four special garments, including a shirt, pants, belt, and turban, all of which were made of white linen. The Kohen ..
Written by Rafi Jager
The possuk states “they Shall take for you pure olive oil, Pressed for the Light” R’Moshe Leib M’Sassov says theat the verse means somthing ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
Last week’s sedra dealt exclusively with the building of the Mishkan and it’s vessels, this week the theme continues with the building of the temple ..
Written by Daniel Sandground
The candles of the Menorah were filled with oil to last through the night. The Ner Maaravi miraculously lasted all day until the next night. Rav Yehonoson Eibushitz ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
The Kuzari asks what the difference between the Mishkan and the egel haza’hav is; both were (golden) structures which were intended to have the effect of bringing ..
Written by d fine