Amalek “didn’t fear Hashem” – this is the biggest critique levelled at them? How about the fact they came to annihilate the entire Jewish ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
The Torah says V’yikchu Li Teruma, take from those that give on their own a donation for the building of the Mishkan. The Malbim points out that the Torah doesn’t ..
Written by Rabbi Shmuel Gluck
Parsha Terumah describes the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and the various keilim (vessels) that were to serve in it, such as the Aron HaKodesh (Ark), the Menorah and ..
Written by Rabbi Yehonasan Gefen
G-d told Moshe to speak to the Children of Israel “and take for Me Teruma (donations for the Tabernacle) from the generous-hearted you shall take My Teruma” ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
Shemos, 26:28: “The center crossbar shall go through the middle of the beams, from one end to the other.” Targum Yonasan, Shemos, 26:28: “…from the tree ..
Written by Rabbi Yehonasan Gefen
“And they shall take a Gift … “(25:2). The Torah uses an expression of taking a gift rather than giving one, because the fact that G-d accepts our gifts ..
Written by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
G-d swore by His Throne of Glory, says Rebbi Eliezer, that a gentile from any nation who comes to convert will be accepted, unless he comes from Amalek and his family ..
Written by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
G-d told Moshe to speak to the Children of Israel as follows: “Take for Me donations (for the Tabernacle)” [1]. It is widely noted by the commentaries that it seems ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
Parashas Terumah begins with a charitable appeal to provide materials for the Mishkan, requesting that everyone should give what his heart motivates him to give.[1] ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick