In this weeks Sedra, Moshe is found in a basket by Basya. Miriam who is standing nearby asks Basya if she should go and get a Jewish wet nurse for the baby. Rashi[1] ..
Written by Yaakov Hibbert
Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz, of blessed memory, offers an interesting insight into the source of the name of Moshe Rabbeinu. We know that in the holy Hebrew language the name ..
Written by Rabbi Yirmiyohu Abramov
The exodus to Egypt is introduced as follows: “These are the names of the Children of Israel who were coming to Egypt” [1]. What is so important about mentioning ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
By means of an introduction to the account of the exile to Egypt, it is recorded “And these are the names of the Children of Israel who were coming to Egypt…” ..
Written by Rabbi Doniel Leeman
Parshas Shemos; It’s a Small World After All… Parshas Shemos is where it all starts going downhill. Here are the highlights: The children of Yaakov have enjoyed ..
Written by daniel fine
The pasuk (1:8) tells us that ‘a new king reigned over Egypt; one that did not know Yosef.’ The Targum translates this as ‘a new king reigned over Egypt; one that ..
Written by D Fine
1:1 ‘veeleh shemot bnei yisrael habaim mitzryaima et yaakov ish uveto bau’…sons Q: ‘et yaakov’, why does the Torah precede the list of Yaakov’s sons ..
Written by J Caller
In this weeks Sedra, Moshe is found in a basket by Basya. Miriam who is standing nearby asks Basya if she should go and get a Jewish wet nurse for the baby. Rashi[1] ..
Written by Yaakov Hibbert
After a long history of tranquillity in Egypt, the Jewish people there begin to feel that they are not wanted. Pharaoh starts issuing decrees against the Jews; and we end up in slavery ..
Written by d fine