There is a popular question asked when we start reading this weeks sedra. While it may be slightly wrong to ask it it is common and i think needs answering. Whats ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
The Sefer Chareidim reveals a new level of depth to Bnei Yisrael’s na’aseh ve’nishma commitment to accept the Torah. He writes that a real hearing is when ..
Written by d fine
When telling us the laws of damages, the Torah says, “Ayin Tachas Ayin” – “An Eye For An Eye”. What doeas this ..
Written by Jonny Caller
Mishpatim; Blast from the Past Imagine you have just given your first lecture to your child on the ‘do’s and don’ts’ of life. ..
Written by d fine
Our sedra contains a mixture of bein adam lechaveiro mitzvos, and bein adam lemakom mitzvos (i.e. mitzvos which involve interpersonal relationships, and mitzvos ..
Written by d fine
This week we are told about Shmittah; that there is to be a sabbatical year of rest – and it’s a shmittah year this year! What’s the idea of having ..
Written by d fine
I heard the following vort from Rav Ari Cutler: ‘If’ you will build an altar of stones… (Shemot 20:22) ‘If’ you will lend money to the poor… ..
Written by Jonny Caller
This week’s parsha, Mishpatim, contains a whole range of different commandments. Straight after the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, we are introduced to a big chunk ..
Written by Tal Segal
We learn in Mishpatim that if a Jewish slave wants to remain a slave for more than 6 years, the master has to drill a hole in his ear next to the doorpost. If the master ..
Written by jonny Caller
A1: (Based on Rav Leibtag) – We have to learn from the experience we just had, learn from slavery and learn to treat slaves with compassion and respect, because ..
Written by Jonathan Caller