And so that you should relate in the ears of your son and your son’s son that I have mocked Egypt’ (10:2) In this verse, Hashem is telling Moshe the purpose ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
Moshe was told to “come to Pharoah” in order to bring upon him the final three plagues [1]. It has been pointed out that the word “bo” (meaning “come”) ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
One of the most distinctive aspects of the Ten Plagues was the persistent refusal of Pharaoh to recognize the error of his ways and accept that the G-d of the Jews ..
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BS”D Redemption–The Main Thing Rabbi Yeheskel Lebovic What’s the Main Thrust? In this week’s Parsha of Bo (Ex. 12:12) G-d states: : “I will pass ..
Written by Sholtiel Lebovic
Parshas Bo; Friend in High Places Sometimes a small act can facilitate larger events. I remember during my first year in Yeshiva I was sent to reserve a bimah down ..
Written by D Fine
Parashas Bo How many plagues appear in this weeks sedra Bo/בא? … It’s in the name… Just like we did with last week’s sedra, Vaeira, the gematria of Bo should ..
Written by Daniel Sandground
Moshe says to Pharoah ” at about midnight Hashem will bring Darkness over the land” Why does Moshe say K’Chatzos (about midnight)?? Usually Hashem ..
The sedra opens with the ‘amira’ form of speech; which denotes a softer, calmer message. Why? The Ohr HaChaim gives two answers here. Firstly, he writes that ..
Written by d fine
Hashem tells Moshe “Bo El Pharoh” which translates as “Come to Pharoh”. Shouldn’t he have said “Go to Pharoh”? This teaches ..
Written by Benjamin Rose
The opening pasuk of our sedra seems a bit strange at first glance. It reads ‘and HaShem said to Moshe ‘come to Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and the heart ..
Written by d fine