And they measured (the mannah) with an omer, and whoever gathered much did not have more, and whoever gathered little did not have less; each one gathered according ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
Six days they will gather (the manna) and on the seventh day, Shabbos, there will not be on it. [1] Why mention the ‘seventh day’ and also ‘Shabbos’? Yudka, ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
Shemos, 13:18: “The children of Israel were chamushim when they went up from Egypt.” Rashi, 13:18, Dh: Chamushim: ”…Chamushim, [means ..
Written by Rabbi Yehonasan Gefen
“Cause dread and terror to fall on them (the chiefs of Edom, the strong men of Mo’av and the inhabitants of Cana’an), with the greatness of Your arm cause ..
Written by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Who was Ba’al Tz’fon? (Adapted from the Oznayim la’Torah) The Mechilta explains that Ba’al Tz’fon’s real name was Pisom (one ..
Written by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
“See – G-d has given you Shabbos… a person should not leave his place on the seventh day” [1]. We have been taught [2] that Shabbos is a special gift. ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
So, the story goes that bnei yisrael are taken out of Egypt, and are then chased by the Egyptians, and escape through the sea, leaving the Egyptians to drown…and ..
Written by D Fine
There’s a key line that Bnei Yisrael sang in the shirah after they crossed the Yam Suf; ‘ze keli ve’anveihu’ (5:2). The Targum translates this as ‘this ..
Written by d fine
The Gemara in Shabbat 133b quotes a braita where there’s a machloket as to what we learn from the passuk ‘Zeh Alie VeAnvehu – This is my G-d and I will exalt ..
Written by Anonymous
Parshas Beshalach; inspiration – best in or out of natural environment? So the story goes a bit like this…Aish run 3 main trips ..
Written by D Fine