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Written by Anonymous
1) Man of God The opening of our sedra describes Moshe Rabeinu as an ish elokim, a ‘godly man.’ The Ibn Ezra explains this to refer to Moshe’s superior and unsurpassable ..
Written by d fine
We are told (34:5) that Moshe had a particularly easy and painless death. Rav Dessler used to bring out of two gemarras that the easiness of death depends on how one has lived ..
Written by d fine
Moshe Rabeinu was the greatest prophet to have ever lived and achieved closeness to HaShem that is insurmountable. However, upon Moshe’s death in VeZos HaBracha, ..
Written by DAniel Fine
Our sedra sees the biblical source for making a bracha on the Torah (32;3 – ‘when I call out the name of HaShem ascribe greatness ..
Written by Daniel Fine