Parshas Vayelech; Successor to the Crown If you yawn during the leining of Vayelech you might miss an entire aliyah! However, despite its meagre thirty psukim, there ..
Written by d fine
The final mitzvah in the Torah is in our sedra, and it is the mitzvah of writing a sefer torah. Actually, you fulfill a branch of this mitzvah by buying Jewish serafim ..
Written by Anonymous
What would you do if you knew you were about to die? I’m sure everyone has their own ideas and answers, some more religious than others. Well, let’s ..
Written by d fine
Parshas Vayelech is essentially Moshe’s last speech to Bnei Yisrael regarding their conduct and faithfulness to HaShem. How did Moshe know that this was going ..
Written by d fine
One of the final mitzvos in the Torah is the mitzvah of hakhel, whereby on the night after the first day yom tov of Sukkos all of Klal Yisrael got together in the Beis ..
Written by d fine