Guard your Soul – Va’etchanah We have been commanded to “guard your soul” [1]. This is the positive commandment to look after our bodies. Our body of course ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
I pleaded with Hashem (3:23) The Medrash tells us that when Moshe was told by Hashem that he would not be allowed to enter into Eretz Yisrael, he immersed himself ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
We have each been commanded to “love G-d with all of your hearts” [1]. We only have one heart, and so we have been taught that these “hearts” actually refer ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
The Posuk says “Do what is right and good in Hashem’s eyes, so that He will do good to you and you shall come and inherit the land” Rashi states ..
Written by Ben Rose
Our sedra sees the repetition of the ten commandments. These comprised of two tablets, each with five commandments on. These two sets of five pair up with each other; ..
Written by d fine
After shacharis, many have the wonderful custom to say the six remembrace psukim printed in the siddurim just before the 13 articles of faith. They are the remembering ..
Written by d fine
Va’eschanan contains, amongst other treasures, the first paragraph of the Shema. In it (6:6) we are commanded that ‘these words that I command you shall be on your ..
Written by d fine
The fact that a vort is unpopular does not always mean it should go unsaid. This is one example. Towards the end of the serda (6;10-13), Moshe says that we will ..
Written by d fine
The pasuk (6:5) commands that you shall love HaShem with all your hearts (be’chol levavcha), which Rashi reveals refers to loving HaShem with both your inclinations; ..
Written by d fine
The kli yakar gives us a great insight into the words Shema Yisrael HaShem (Yud-keh-vav-keh) Elokeinu HaShem (Yud-keh-vav-keh) Echad. The name Elokim represents ..
Written by D fine