This week’s haftara includes the line in ‘lecha dodi’ “hisne’ari me’afar kumi” – shake yourselves off and get up from ..
Written by D Fine
Some mitzvas are better not done!! For example in this weeks parsha we are told “Soim Tasim Olecha Melech” “You shall appoint a king over you”. ..
Written by B Rose
At the end of the parsha, we have the chapter of the Eglah Arufa (decapitated calf). [Devorim 21: 1-9] The law, simply stated, is that if one finds a dead body in an open ..
Written by B Rose
It seems that many people are becoming frustrated with the Israeli government. Eleven months they have been killing us and the army barely responds. I don’t ..
Written by B Rose
The Torah says that we should not tolerate the presence of witches sorcerers or any people who seek out the future through forbidden means. Rather, “Tamim ..
Written by B Rose
Parshas Shoftim; Malchus The subject of authority is one which crops up lots in this week’s sedra of shoftim; and indeed is the title of the sedra too. For example, ..
Written by D FIne
There is a ‘strange’ Targum onkelus in this weeks sedra which can be missed if blinking during shnayim mikra (or laining for the yemenites out there!). ..
Written by D Fine
We are told that if we have a difficulty in resolving a dispute among litigants, or if we are unsure about a certain law and we cannot resolve the matter within ..
Written by B Rose
Parshas Shoftim begins with the command to appoint judges in all the cities of Israel. The Torah states: “Judges and officers shall you appoint in all your ..
Written by Ben Rose
Parshas Shoftim starts by telling us something seemingly very obvious: The Torah tells us that we should “have judges and policemen in all our cities”. ..
Written by B Rose