You shall set up judges and enforcement officers for yourself in all your gates . . . (Devarim 16:18) From the seemingly redundant inclusion of the words “for ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
“Do not deviate right or left from the commandment so that you live long” [1]. We of course understand the importance of not deviating from the commandments, ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
Shoftim: Always Wanted[i] In 2013 I heard an interview on National Public Radio with a man named Mike Williams. Mr. Williams was the inventor of the first intraoral ..
Written by Rabbi Aryeh Dachs
We have been instructed to “appoint judges for yourselves in all of your gates” [1] indicating that there should be a court in every city [2]. Why then does ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
The start of this week’s Parsha commands the Jewish pecple to make guardians and police at their gates. One of the messages that the Torah ..
Written by M Kormornick
The posuk states “Tamim Tihiyeh Im Hashem Elokecha”(Devarim 18:13) There is a famous story told about The Chofetz Chaim A few boys from the Yeshiva came ..
Written by B Rose
The pasuk in Parshas shoftim states: “Righteousness, righteousness you shall pursue so that you will live and take possession of the land that Hashem, your ..
Written by B Rose
In our parsha we are commanded (18:13) ‘be complete (tamim) with HaShem, your God.’ What does this mean and involve? Rashi writes that we are not to go looking ..
Written by d fine
Towards the end of our sedra we are given the ‘rules of engagement’ – laws of conduct in war. Before we go to war, the ‘anointed kohen’ speaks to the people, ..
Written by D Fine