“The entire matter that I command you, you shall guard it to do; you shall not add to it and you shall not subtract from it.” Devarim 13:1 Here we are told ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
The opening pasuk of the sedra of Re’eh reads ‘see I am placing before you blessing and curse,’ and goes on to explain that the blessings will vest themselves ..
Written by d fine
The opening three psukim of the sedra tell us that should we listen to HaShem we will get bracha, and should we ignore HaShem’s word then we will get klala (curse). ..
Written by d fine
In this weeks Parsha we are told to “See” – Hashem gives us reward for every good deed and (Chas ve shalom) curses for bad deeds. A look closer at the first ..
Written by R Shaul Yonatan Tawil
Parashas Re’eh – Seeing is Believing This week we have Parashas Re’eh which along with next week’s Parashas Shoftim and the week after, Ki Seitzei, ..
Written by Daniel Sandground
“Aser T’Aser” The Gemara in Taanis learns from this pasuk “Aser Bishvil ShtisAsher” – give Maaser in order that you should become ..
Written by Benjamin Rose
In our sedra, Moshe warns the people ‘You shall go in the ways of HaShem your G-D’ (13;5), regarding which the gemarra (Sotah 14a) asks ‘is it possible to go after ..
Written by d fine
Our sedra is special in that it kicks off Moshe Rabeinu’s main repetition of the mitzvos . Not all the miztvos are repeated, however; the ones appertaining to the kohannim/sacrifices ..
Written by d fine