You are standing today — all of you — before Hashem your God (29:9) In this verse, Moshe is telling the Jewish People that they are standing before Hashem, about ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
The Vilna Gaon brought down a kabballa that all parshaiot in the book of Devarim represent a different century between the years 5000 and 6000. It works out that ..
Written by Anonymous
It is a really short sedra this week; with 40 psukim, it’s more of a rugby score than the usual cricket score. But as one of my [short] friends used to say to me, good ..
Written by d fine
If you look carefully at our sedra, Moshe constantly switches between referring to Bnei Yisrael in the singular (lecha) and plural (lachem). ..
Written by d fine
In this week’s parsha, Nitvazim-Vayeilech, we read a famous few verses: “For this commandment that I command you today, it is not hidden from you and it is not distant. ..
Written by Tal Segal
Parshiyos Nitzavim-Vayelech; we’re all in it together! These 2 sedras are almost definitely the shortest a double can get; and are indeed probably the 2 shortest ..
Written by d fine
There is a very sharp contrast between the two titles of these 2 inseperable sedras (netzavim-vayelech) that bring out the greatness of Moshe Rabeinu. And this is relevent ..
Written by d fine
“G-d removed them from upon their soil …. and He cast them (Vayashlicheym) to another land, as this very day.” (Devarim 29;27) The lamed ..
Written by Rabbi Jonathan Guttentag