When you send away the mother-bird . . . when you build a new house and you make a fence around your roof . . . don’t sow a mixture in your vineyard . . . don’t ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
“When you go to war against your enemies… if you will notice an attractive lady, you may take her captive to be your wife” [1]. The reason being that it is recognised ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
The Vilna Gaon brought down a kabballa that all parshaiot in the book of Devarim represent a different century between the years 5000 and 6000. It works out that ..
Written by Anonymous
Parashas Ki Seitzei – Resisting the Irresistible This week’s sedra is Parashas Ki Seitzei and there exists a vast plethora of interesting mitzvahs and commandments ..
Written by Daniel Sandground
The pasuk says in Devorim 22:10 “Do not plow together with an ox and a donkey”. This is one of several forms of the prohibition of Kilayim – mixing ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
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Written by Anonymous
One of the mitzvos found in Ki Seitzei is returning lost property. The first of the four psukim (22:1) on this subject reads ‘do not watch the ox of your friend ..
Written by d fine
Whereas certain other nations are allowed to marry into Judaism (if they have converted) after a certain number of generations, when it comes ..
Written by d fine
The concept of divorce makes its first appearance in our sedra (24:1). The word for a divorce document is a get (spelled gimmel, tes). The Vilna Ga’on notes that ..
Written by d fine
The majority of the sedra ki tetze deals with things that should not be mixed/put together eg kilaim, shatnez, etc. The Torah tells us not to wear shatnez (22;11)- ..
Written by D Fine