1) If one can learn, then teach The Chofetz Chaim notes that in the pasuk (11:19) of Shema velimadetem osam es beneichem ledaber bam (‘you shall teach them to your ..
Written by d fine
Parashas Eikev – Reward and Reward This week’s sedra begins with Moshe continuing to encourage the nation to stay holy when they enter Eretz Yisrael. Having ..
Written by Daniel Sandground
There’s a bit of a discrepancy in one of our psukim this week. 11;12 says that the Land of Israel is “a land which HaShem your G-D seeks always, always ..
Written by D FIne
There is an especially enlightning Targum this week which is worth focusing on. The Torah calls the idol worship and gold & silver of the (imoral) nations of the land ..
Written by d fine