As we mourn for the loss of the Beit HaMikdash in the days leading up to Tisha B’Av, it seems strange to say that in a funny sort of way we should be happy that ..
Written by Julian Alper
For the benefit of the Children of Israel “Moshe explained the Torah well” [1]. To explain the Torah “well” is interpreted that Moshe translated the Torah ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
“And it was in the fortieth year on the first day of the eleventh month, that Moshe spoke to the B’nei Yisrael” (1:3). This teaches us, says Rashi, ..
Written by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Who is the wise man that may understand this and who is he to whom the mouth of the L-rd has spoken that he may declare it? Why has the land perished, burnt up like ..
Written by Rabbi Zev Leff
The Book of Dvorim is basically Moshe’s final lecture to his nation. Sometimes softly, sometimes sternly, Moshe explains to the nation about their behavior ..
Written by Benjamin Rose
“These are the devarim / words that Moshe spoke to all Yisrael.” (1:1) The prolific R’ Yehuda He’chassid z”l writes in Ta’amei ..
Written by Benjie Fine
“The Emorites who lived in that mountain came out to confront you and pursued you like bees do. They smote you (i.e. the Israelites) in Seir as far as Chormah” ..
Written by Howard Jackson
When reading through Moshe recapping the judicial reform that we are told about in parshas Yisro, one cannot help but noting a glaring omission ..
Written by d fine
“Why should I apologize? I didn’t do anything wrong to her.” “You don’t realize how hurt she was by your actions?? ” “Because ..
Written by Anonymous