And it was on the third day while they (the People of Shechem) were in pain that two of Yaakov’s sons — Shimon and Levi — Dina’s brothers, each took his sword ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
Best Friends. Vayishlach 5783 As he was being pursued by his evil brother Eisav, Yaakov sent angels in attempt to save himself [1]. But is this not a little ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
Yaakov implores G-d to protect him from “the hand of my brother, the hand of Esau” a double expression and also a seemingly unnecessary description – but Yaakov ..
Written by Rabbi Shimshon Silkin
How do you know that Yaakov wore a streimel? Because the pasuk says ‘and Yaakov went out,’ and he would not have gone out without a streimel! That is the popular ..
Written by D FIne
How do we relate to prayer? Is it something only children do at bedtime? Is prayer reserved for services in synagogue? Why do we pray? Should we pray? Why is prayer ..
Written by Marc Zemmel
The Ramchal explains that the final part of Vayishlach is conveying a very deep message. It lists the 7 kings of Edom, but it is really hinting to history at large. ..
Written by D FIne
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Written by Anonymous
Just after Yaakov’s fight with the angel has ended with the rising of the morning sun, Yaakov asks the angel what his name is. The angel replies ‘why ..
Written by D Fine
Our sedra is quite action-packed as sedras come. Yaakov meets up with Eisav after years of separation, and before doing so he prepares for the eventuality of war. ..
Written by daniel fine
This week’s parsha is Vayishlach. Yaakov, after receiving the blessings from his father Yitzchak and living with Lavan, his uncle, for some 20 years, now has a full ..
Written by Tal Segal