When Yosef finally revealed his identity to his brothers, they did not respond because “they were left dismayed before him” [1]. A literal translation renders ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
Parashas Vayigash At the conclusion of last week’s sedra we were left on a real cliff hanger with Binyamin being caught red-handed with Yoseph’s goblet after ..
Written by Daniel Sandground
Rashi (46:26) cites the Midrash which comments that in referring to the Bnei Yaakov, the pasuk describes them as ‘one nefesh (person),’ whilst when discussing ..
Written by d fine
Writes the Meshech Chochma, that although all three forefathers communicated with Hashem, only Jacob is recorded as having a vision of Him at night. The first time ..
Written by Rafi Jager
When Yehuda decides to argue with the Egyptian viceroy (who was really his brother Yosef) to not take Binyomin as a slave, the Torah states: “And Yehuda approached ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
As we near the end of the book of Genesis, it is worthwhile to reflect back on our understanding of this first section of the Torah. In the beginning, Adam’s ..
Written by Rafi Jager
A number of times before he revealed himself to his brothers, Yosef asked them if their father was alive and they answered in the affirmative. Now when Yosef says ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
Parashas Vayigash At the conclusion of last week’s sedra we were left on a real cliff hanger with Binyamin being caught red-handed with Yoseph’s goblet after ..
Written by Daniel Sandground
This week’s parsha is the dramatic climax of the story of Yosef and his brothers. First, they sell him as a slave to Egypt. Afterwards, Yosef achieves phenomenal ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
When Yosef reveals his identity with the famous line ‘I am Yosef. Is my father still alive? And the brothers could not answer him, for they were embarrassed,’ ..
Written by d fine