Revelation of His Name : The second pasuk of our sedra sees HaShem inform Moshe that ‘I appeared to Avraham, to Yitzchak, and to Yaakov with (the name) kel shadai, ..
Written by d fine
Rashi explains that Avraham was sitting at the entrance of the tent to see if there were any passers-by, so he could bring them into his house. The Divrei Yisrael ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
The ‘opening scene’ of our sedra, Vayera, sees Avraham Avinu braving the pains of his bris milah in waiting outside of his tent an anticipation ..
Written by D Fine
“And God remembered Avraham and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow (of Sodom)” (Bereishit 19:29). Rashi quotes the Midrash (Bereishit Rabbah 49:6): “What ..
Written by H Jackson
One doesn’t have to be a connoisseur of European fine art in order to come across the name Rembrandt Harmenszoon Van Rijn. Although he lived in the Dutch Golden ..
Written by Rabbi Dovid Sipper
At the beginning this weeks parsha we see Hashem Coming To Avraham Avinu in the form of the melachim dressed as men. This event takes place three days after Avraham ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
In this week’s parshah, we see something remarkable. Avraham argues with G-d. Yes, you read it right. Avraham, who calls himself ‘but dust and ash, is arguing ..
Written by Leo Mercer
Our sedra opens with HaShem’s promise to redeem the Jewish people, via the five expressions of redemption. However, when Moshe repeats these promises to Bnei Yisrael, ..
Written by d fine
At the start of vayera, avraham is visited by no less than HaShem Himself, after Avraham’s milah 3 days ago. Avraham sees 3 ‘men’ in the distance ..
Written by D Fine
Parshas Vayera; The Mitzvah of Chinuch This week’s dvar Torah is going to be a bit different. We are going to explore the sugya (topic) of chinuch (‘education ..
Written by d fine