When our forefather Avraham was recovering from his circumcision, “G-d appeared to him” [1] in order to fulfil the commandment of ‘visiting the sick’ [2]. ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
At the beginning this weeks parsha we see Hashem Coming To Avraham Avinu in the form of the melachim dressed as men. This event takes place three days after Avraham ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
In this week’s parshah, we see something remarkable. Avraham argues with G-d. Yes, you read it right. Avraham, who calls himself ‘but dust and ash, is arguing ..
Written by Leo Mercer
Our sedra opens with HaShem’s promise to redeem the Jewish people, via the five expressions of redemption. However, when Moshe repeats these promises to Bnei Yisrael, ..
Written by d fine
At the start of vayera, avraham is visited by no less than HaShem Himself, after Avraham’s milah 3 days ago. Avraham sees 3 ‘men’ in the distance ..
Written by D Fine
Parshas Vayera; The Mitzvah of Chinuch This week’s dvar Torah is going to be a bit different. We are going to explore the sugya (topic) of chinuch (‘education ..
Written by d fine
Avrohom Avinu was the greatest host there could be and he would make these extravagant meals for all types of people as we see by the Melochim tounge and mustard ..
Written by S Bodner
What does Hashem Elokecha ask from you, but to fear Hashem Elokecha and to walk in His ways. (Devorim, Perek Yud, Pasuk Yud Gimmel) “B’Eilon Mamre” ..
Written by Reb Mordechai Rosen z
When Sarah is told that she is to give birth to a child at the ripe old age of 90, she laughs saying ‘my husband is old,’ and HaShem seems displeased ..
Written by d fine