וְכל אֲשֶׁר תִּתֶּן-לִי, עַשֵּׂר אֲעַשְּׂרֶנּוּ לָך In this Posuk (28:22) Yakov exclaims his intent to tithe all that ..
Written by Rabbi Benji Landau
In this weeks סדרה we find that יעקב passed by ירושלים and ended up in חרן. Realizing that he had passed the place where his ancestors had davened, ..
Written by Yaakov Hibbert
The opening Posuk of the parsha (28:10) that describes Yakov’s departure from Be’er Sheva seems to use too many words. Why does it need to specify that he was leaving ..
Written by Rabbi Benji Landau
At the beginning of this week’s סדרה we find that יעקב ‘accidentally’ falls asleep in the place of the בית המקדש. While asleep he sees Hashem ..
Written by Yaakov Hibbert
Eisav sends his son Eliphaz to kill his uncle, Yaakov. Eliphaz, hunts down Yaakov immediately. But when he sees Yaakov, he has trouble pulling the trigger. Why? ..
Written by Ben Rose
As Yaakov dreams, he sees a ladder with angels going ‘up and down’ (28:12). Why were these angels running up and down? For, as Rashi tells us, the angels of Eretz ..
Written by d fine
A question was once asked regarding a Tallis, why is there a crown on the bit where our head goes?? So people answer, so that we know which is the top and which ..
Written by Benjamin Rose
The Chofetz Chaim asks a rather pertinent question in our sedra. The years of galus were already being counted when Yaakov lived in Lavan’s home. If so, why did HaShem ..
Written by d fine
When Rochel out of frustration complained to Yaakov about not having children, Yaakov got angry with her. The mefarshim say, based on a medrash, that Yaakov was punished ..
Written by B Rose
This week’s portion of the law sees Yaakov avinu run from the Land of Israel to find refuge in the house of Lavan, and, after many years of work, he marries Leah ..
Written by D Fine