The crux of our sedra involves Yaakov’s rather cryptic and deep/prophetic blessings to the tribes before his death. Yosef and his brothers then go and bury Yaakov ..
Written by daniel fine
What does the word tefillah mean? In our sedra (48:11) we are given a major clue. Yaakov tells Yosef that in all these years ‘I have not seen your face’ ..
Written by d fine
Parashas Vayechi This week we read the concluding parasha of the book of Bereishis, Vayechi which translates as ‘lived’. At face value this seems to be an ironic ..
Written by Daniel Sandground
After Ya’akov Avinu dies and the brothers journey to Eretz Yisrael to fulfil Ya’akov’s wish of being buried with his family in ma’aras hamachpela, the Torah ..
Written by D Fine
Then Jacob called for his sons and said, “Assemble yourselves and I will tell you what will befall you in “The End of Days”. Gather yourselves and listen, ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
Parashas Vayechi This week we read the concluding parasha of the book of Bereishis, Vayechi which translates as ‘lived’. At face value this seems to be an ironic ..
Written by Daniel Sandground
The Posuk tells us Yaakov lived in Mitzrayim for 17 years. The Meforshim all point out that the word “VaYechi” is telling us that these were the years ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
Our sedra is called ‘Vayechi’(‘and he lived), whilst it is the sedra in which Yaakov dies. A coincidence? Ironic? Not quite. The gemarra (Ta’anis 5b) tells ..
Written by d fine