This week's parasha tells us about the passing of Jacob our father, the parasha talks about the obituary they did for Yaakov and his burial in the Cave of the Patriarchs, ..
Written by rocker1234
Yosef was blessed by his father Yaakov that he become (“vayidgu”) plentiful [1] – like fish (dugim) who the evil eye does not rule over fish [2]. Why does ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
“Yisachar chamor gorem (Yisachar is a bony ox)” 49:14. Like a donkey, Yisachar bent his shoulder to bear the yoke of Torah. Seeing as the word “gorem” ..
Written by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
“Yaakov Avinu Lo Meis”, Yaakov never died, the gemara says. The Ksav Sofer says that since Yosef reached the level of Yaakov Avinu it is as if Yaakov ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
Parshas Vayechi; Special Effects This week’s sedra contains the death of Yaakov avinu, and the brothers’ mourning of him. There is an interesting and pertinent ..
Written by D Fine
Whilst sitting on the underground on a recent trip to England, I was privileged to witness a tragic comedy. Sitting across the aisle was an unlikely pair; a corporate ..
Written by Rabbi Dovid Sipper
The sedra is called Vayechi; and he lived. Yet this is the sedra in which Yaakov dies. What’s going on? (and The Torah is not sarcastic) Chazal tell us that ..
Written by D Fine
At the end of VaYechi we read that the exile in Egypt will end when “Pakod Yifkod”, “God will surely redeem” (Bereishit 50:24). These would ..
Written by H Jackson
This Torah portion is unlike any other – “closed” – meaning, without a space separating it from the previous paragraph; and in the commentaries – because ..
Written by Rabbi Shimshon Silkin
At the close of the book of Bereishis (Genesis) Yaakov, approaching death, gathers together his family to bless them before he dies. His blessing to Yosef and his sons, ..
Written by Rabbi A Savage