1)There’s only three Avimelechs! In pasuk 26:1 Yitzchak goes to Avimelech, king of the Plishtim because of the famine in the land. Now we’ve heard the name Avimelech ..
Written by d fine
Parshat Toldos World terrorists and underworld kingpins, certainly have a lot in common. Take the challenges they share in acquiring decent life insurance policies, ..
Written by Rabbi Dovid Sipper
The end of last week’s Parsha (Chayei Soro) finishes with the words, “Al Pnei Kol Echov Nafal” – “Over all his brothers he (Yishmael) ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
This sedra is arguably the most action-packed one of chumash Bereishis in terms of major points/questions. Yaakov ‘buys’ the birthright from his twin brother ..
Written by d fine
Rivkah is extremely puzzled at the start of Toldos. She has twins inside her stomache, and (as Rashi quotes on 25;22) one kicks to get out whenever they pass a house ..
Written by D Fine
Immediately following the Torah’s description of the personalities of Yaakov and Eisav that ‘The lads grew up and Esav became one who knows trapping, a man of the field; ..
Written by J Caller
“I am going to die!” (Bereishit 25:32) wailed Esau as he returned home on the afternoon of Avraham’s funeral after a rage-filled rampage of murder ..
Written by H Jackson
Esau – Esav – numerically equal to “Shalom” – peace. But Esav was the embodiment of war and bloodshed – red, murderous, evil? However, not from ..
Written by Rabbi Shimshon Silkin