Before Moshe our leader passes away (‘samoch l’misaso’), he blesses the Children of Israel [1]. The issue has been raised as to why Moshe waited until he blessed ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
עשו sold the בכורה for a pot of lentils. The question is very obvious: How can יעקב buy “רוחניות “for a pot of soup?! A איד came ..
Our sedra is the tale of ‘sibling rivalries;’ an ancient Jewish tradition, it seems. The sedra opens with Rivkah’s twins (Yaakov and Eisav), and it continues ..
Written by daniel fine
Esav came home from the fields hungry and his brother Yaakov was preparing food. Esav asked for some food and Yaakov agreed on condition that he gives over his birthright ..
Written by Rafi Jager
Rivka told Yaakov to run away from Eisav because “Lama Eshkol Gam Shnaichem Yom Echad”, why should I lose two children in one day. Rashi explains that ..
Written by B Rose
Rivka was having problems with her pregnancy and went to ask from the prophet of her time why she was having trouble. She was told that she was going to give birth ..
Written by Rafi Jager
We all know the story of how Yitzhak loved Esav and Rivka loved Yaakov. Chazal tell us that Yitzhak was fooled by Esav who made him think that he was very righteous. ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
We all know the story of how Yitzhak loved Esav, and Rivka loved Yaakov. Chazal tell us that Yitzhak was fooled by Esav who made him think that he was very righteous. ..
Written by Rafi Jager