And the earth had become corrupt before Hashem . . . (6:11) Dayan Abramsky deduced from these words that the earth had become corrupt “before Hashem” but it did not seem ..
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There is an interesting episode in the final perek of our sedra. A group of people build a tower to try and ‘reach and rebel’ against HaShem. What was there ..
Written by d fine
There is interest theory’s when discussing the age of the universe and earth. Scientists say that they have prived that the earth is 15 billion ..
Written by d fine
One of the great things about learning Torah is that one can always find new ideas and insights and develop a more fuller understanding, even on the same topic or from ..
Written by d fine
“And they came (the pure creatures) to the ark seven by seven, male and female” G-d’s command was that only the pure (kosher species) creatures ..
Written by Rabbi Don Moskovitz
In hilchos teshuva (3;2) the Rambam writes that if the world reach a status of their sins outweighing their merits they are ALL destroyed immediately, and brings ..
Written by d fine
Rashi says that we see from the words “MiKol HaChai” (Noach 6:19) that even Sheidim were admitted to the Teivah. The Daas Zikeinim MiBaalei HaTosfos ..
Written by Rafi Jager
In my days in school, the boys who supported the best football team precisely because they would win were always labelled ‘glory supporters.’ And though ..
Written by d fine