This week’s Torah portion opens with the recounting of Pharoh’s fascinating dream, the first part about the weak cows consuming their strong counterparts ..
Written by Rafi Jager
Chazal (gemarra megillah) tell us that there is a difference between the words ‘Vayomer’ and ‘Vayedaber,’ even though both seem to mean ‘and ..
Written by D Fine
We are told that when Pharaoh asked for Yosef to be taken out of prison to interpret his dreams, they ‘quickly’ brought Yosef out (41:14). Why do we need to know ..
Written by d fine
This week, Yoseph is transformed from a brutalized, libeled and mocked slave into the Viceroy of Egypt, the world’s most powerful nation. In a matter of moments ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
In perek 41 pasuk 46 we are informed that ‘Yosef was thirty years of age when he stood before Pharaoh’ (and successfully interpreted Pharaoh’s dream). The Torah ..
Written by d fine
And Paroh gave Osnas the daughter of Poti Ferra to Yosef as a wife. “Was Osnas really Potiphar’s daughter? The Da’as Zekeinim cites a tradition ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
When Yosef was appointed Second in Command in Mitzrayim he suddenly became the most eligible bachelor in the land. How did the shidduch of Yosef and Osnas come to be? Why did he agree ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
“In a place where there are no men (leaders) make yourself a man (leader).” (Avot 2:5). Joseph was imprisoned for 12 years. Last week’s parasha ..
Written by Reis Rodriguez
B”H Parashat Mikeitz 5768 These days we live in a NOW society. Everyone wants instant gratification for their efforts. Fast food was one thing, but with a drive ..
Written by Reis Rodriguez