Bereishis, 41:51: “And he called the name of the first-born Menashe, for ‘HaShem has caused me to forget (nashani) all my hardship and all my father’s ..
Written by Rabbi Yehonasan Gefen
When the brothers appeared before Yosef the pasuk says “Vayizkor Yosef Es Hachalomos…”; Yosef remembered the dreams and only then did he accuse ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
Two extremely wealthy people once came before the Noda B’Yehuda to settle their argument. What happened was that a musician stood in the street exactly between ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
Pharoah has 2 dreams (the cows and the sheaves), and can’t find anyone who’ll provide the correct interpratation (sometimes you know when something doesn’t ..
Written by anonymous avriech
On thurday’s shir shel yom, we see an interesting phrase. Yosef reports that ‘I didn’t know but did hear sfas’ (‘sfas lo yadati eshma.’) ..
Written by D Fine
In Vayeshev, Yosef is sold down to Egypt by his brothers, rises in the house of Potiphar, and finally ends up in prison. Miketz sees his release from jail, rise ..
Written by D FIne
This week witnesses the most dramatic turnaround possible in the fortunes of Joseph. In a matter of moments he is transformed from forgotten prisoner, destined to spend ..
Written by Rabbi A Savage
Parashas Mikeitz I had a complaint that my Chanukah Dvar Torah didn’t have any jokes in it so I am going to start this week with a joke… man walks into a bar… ..
Written by Daniel Sandground
During the famine which befell Egypt in this week’s Torah portion, droves of people from all over flocked to Egypt where, thanks to Joseph’s brilliant ..
Written by Rafi Jager