And the life of Sarah was one hundred years, and twenty years, and seven years – the years of Sarah’s life (23:1) After being informed that Yitzchak was imminently ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
Fireworks are very impressive, spreading fantastic colours across the night sky, but thinking about it, as a source of light they’re pretty usless. It’s ..
Written by Sammy Morhaim
We all know the story; Avraham avinu conquers his prime test of the akeidah, and then Sarah imeinu dies. Avraham consequently goes to Efron to buy a burial spot ..
Written by D Fine
If you look in the part of the sedra in which eliezer goes off to find a wife for yitzchak, you will notice that the name of HaShem is mentioned in conversation ..
Written by D Fine
There is no doubt that shock can cause highly creative results. From the little boo from the grinning toddler to strategic preemptive attacks on enemy forces, shock ..
Written by Rabbi Dovid Sipper
This week’s Sidra begins: “VaYiheyu Chayei Sarah … VaTamot Sarah BeKiryat Arba Hee Chevron BeEretz Canaan VaYavo Avraham Lispod LeSarah ..
Written by H Jackson
Parshas Chayei Sarah; Camels of Chesed In our sedra, Avraham’s servant Eliezer[1] devises a test on his mission to find a wife for Yitzchak; whichever maiden offers ..
Written by d fine
Eliezer – Avraham’s right hand man – an “eved”, servant and a holy character – in his words, would rather be a slave in the home of Avraham than anywhere ..
Written by Rabbi Shimshon Silkin
When Eliezer goes to find a wife for Yitzchak, he devises a test by which, he asks HaShem, he will use to select the appropriate match. It will be the woman who gives ..
Written by d fine
This weeks parsha is dominated by Avraham’s successful search for a wife for his son Yitzchak. Eliezer, Avraham’s loyal servant, is sent to Avraham’s old home ..
Written by Rabbi Andrew Savage