Song of G-d The first word in the Torah is Bereishis. The letters of Bereishis are Beis-Resh-Aleph-Shin-Yod-Tav. These same letters rearranged make up the words ..
Written by Anonymous
This week we read about the argument between Kain (Cain) and Hevel (Abel) which results in the first murder in history when Kain kills Hevel. The narrative which ..
Written by Rabbi Andrew Savage
Dovid HaMelech writes in Tehillim (119:160) rosh d’var’cha emes – Your very first utterance is truth. The Baal HaTurim points out that the final letters of the first ..
Written by Oizer Alport
B-reishis – Bet Reishit, 2 beginnings. Every beginning has a beginning that precedes it – indeed in our daily prayer we talk about G-d placing a soul “within ..
Written by Rabbi Shimshon Silkin
“And God made the two great luminaries: the great luminary to rule the day and the small luminary to rule the night” (Bereishit 1:16). “Rabbi Shimon ben Pazi ..
Written by Howard Jackson
After Adam HaRishon ate from the forbidden fruit, he was now susceptable to death. Before this, he had the potential to live forever but now his lifetime would span ..
Written by d fine
The Maharal explains that the Torah is the seed of all life. The Torah is the blueprint of the world, and from which everything came forth. The Maharal explains ..
Written by Moshe Kormornick
The sages point out that the Torah, in the first depiction of creation, creates the world using the name Elokim representing his attribute of strict justice. Yet they ..
Written by Aron F
There is a major principle in Judaism that finds its roots in our sedra. It is found in tehillim 121 that ‘HaShem tzilcha;’ HaShem is your shadow. What ..
Written by d fine